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Dulce de Leche..

What is this? Is it a name of a soap or soup? errm...that's what strike me when i first look at the recipe's title.  Ahaaa..actually, it's the "susu sejat" (condensed milk, you know the F&N brand maybe) slowly simmered in a pot of water until it caramelized. My mom used to make it when I was small to apply on breads or "biskut kering" (like Jacob's crackers). It substitutes the "kaya" (coconut jam), sweet but tasty. Haagen Dazs has its ice cream with Dulce de Leche flavour. Check it out!

I found the recipe to be shared with you at Purple Foodie and Dulce_de_leche
(it sounds "leceh" but it's so simple to make)

Dulce de Leche

1 can of condensed milk (any brand)
Water (to pour in a pot that level is not more than 3/4 of the can)
  • Open the can half way. No need to pull the lid back.
  • Place the can in a pot and pour in water just until 3/4 of the can is immersed and simmer over low heat, 3-4 hours (depends on how thick you want it to be)
  • Monitor the water level. Make sure you refill the water to maintain the level. Once it reached your favour, turn off the heat and let it cool.
  • You may want to transfer it to nicer bottles or container.

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