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This bread butter pudding I baked last year but only now I remember to post it here. Actually, it is easy to bake and the ingredients can be substitute with raisins, banana, pineapple etc or any others to your likings. I will do this whenever I have extra or almost expired bread in my kitchen.

Bread butter raspberries pudding

White stale bread
Raspberries jam (or any type of jam available)
1 liter fresh milk (I used full cream milk)
3 tbsp condensed milk
Sugar (I used brown sugar. As sweet as you wish)
Pinch of salt
2 eggs 
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
Water (for double boil)

Spread butter on each side of the breads and raspberries jam only on one side. Cut them into triangles. Grease the the baking dish. Arrange the breads on the bottom and sprinkle little sugar then repeat the same on each layers until finish all the breads. 
In a pot, warm the mixture of fresh milk, condensed milk, vanilla essence and salt. Off the heat and let it aside while beating the eggs with fork. Stir well the beaten eggs with the warm milk. Pour in the mixtures over the bread layers slowly and let the bread soak for 1 hour.
Heat the oven to 180' C. Sprinkle little brown sugar on top layer before baking. Then place in the oven for about 30 minutes (or until it turned brown as shown in pic above). For this time, I steam baking the bread so it turned out moist inside.  See recipe tips here Stem Bake. Otherwise, just bake it like you do with cakes.

Serve warm with vanilla ice cream or vanilla sauce (recipe below). sooo yummy!

Vanilla sauce 

1 cup milk
3 egg yolks
1/2 tsp of vanilla essence
4 tbsp of sugar
1 tbsp cornflour

Combine milk and vanilla essence in saucepan. Warm gently but do not let the mixture boil. In a bowl, beat the egg yolks and sugar until creamy. Add the cornstarch. 
Stir in the warm milk. Strain the mixture and back to heat stirring constantly until it thickens and coats the back of the spoon.

Late breakfast (Brunch?)

Arrgghh...!! not sure what to have for my breakfast today. While doing the easy housework, I thought of the chicken soup leftover my mother in law cooked for me. Thank you, Mom...
Ok, I have elbow macaroni, cherry tomatoes, eggs and butter. What's next? Macaroni in chicken soup baked with eggs and cherry tomatoes. Easy isn't it?

Chicken soup (any leftover from your fridge or else from the can :-)
Macaroni (any type will do - I use elbow macaroni since that's only I have)
2 eggs (beaten with pepper and salt)
Cherry tomatoes (or you just can slice from the big tomatoes)

Reheat the chicken soup, pour in the macaroni and let them a while until soften a bit. Shift the macaroni and some of the chicken soup (just to have some gravy) in a casserole dish ware. Mix in the beaten eggs, layered with the tomatoes and just put few slashes of butter on top to make it looked shiny (and to add taste as well). Remember not to over put the salt as the chicken soup leftover normally taste saltier after reheated.
It would be so much better if shredded parmesan or mozarella bashed on top layer... oooooo so yummy. Unluckily, I didn't keep any except cream cheese for my carrot cake topping :-(

Bake in oven for 15 minutes or until the egg mixture is cooked or depend on how one likes it to be done.

I think this is not going to be my breakfast, it's my BRUNCH! Enjoy the photos! ;-)

Macaroni Chicken Soup Baked with Eggs

M for ....

Macarons! Macarons! Macarons!

I am so craving to have a macaroons in my mouth now. I've tasted one at Harrods (offered by the shop lady) and it melt slowly in my mouth (but alamak it a bit too sweet lah..). Of course if I make it I will ensure that the sweetness will be reduced because I am on sugar diet now...hahaha
Me always dream of making them but never had a time for it. I have few other recipes that I promised my husband to bake but also no chance to do so..sorry hb, I will make your wishes come true soon. wait hah...
So, last night I found this lovely blog by a lady who obsessed with foods (that's what she wrote in her profile) and saw some infos about macarons that I never read anywhere else. I called them "tips" for my macarons baking in the future. Thanks to boo-licious for the write up. You can visit her blog at A lot of things about food you can read here.
Hermé’s offered 9000 free Macarons last year in April for its 5th year opening of Rue Cambon store in Paris. They had Rose Raspberry Litchi, Peach Apricot Saffron, Rose Quince, Passionfruit Chocolate and Cherry Pistachio (I wonder how they were taste like...). Read more here
oooppss!...forgot to tell you that what I like most about macarons are because they comes in brilliant colours and variety of flavors and they are packed in nicey packs too..

some colourful photos of macarons for the feast of eyes...I will post my own version of macarons soooonn..

Kid's food for sick adult

Today I feel like eating "kid's food" - porridge. I only able to find carrots, ginger and "ikan bilis" in fridge..uhuk..uhukk..
So here is the result of the 3 stuffs combine altogether in my rice pot. Layan...
Wanna some? Come and visit me at home.. :-) 

Carrot porridge...
Half eaten...
Tadaaaa...finish! yummy...

Dulce de Leche..

What is this? Is it a name of a soap or soup? errm...that's what strike me when i first look at the recipe's title.  Ahaaa..actually, it's the "susu sejat" (condensed milk, you know the F&N brand maybe) slowly simmered in a pot of water until it caramelized. My mom used to make it when I was small to apply on breads or "biskut kering" (like Jacob's crackers). It substitutes the "kaya" (coconut jam), sweet but tasty. Haagen Dazs has its ice cream with Dulce de Leche flavour. Check it out!

I found the recipe to be shared with you at Purple Foodie and Dulce_de_leche
(it sounds "leceh" but it's so simple to make)

Dulce de Leche

1 can of condensed milk (any brand)
Water (to pour in a pot that level is not more than 3/4 of the can)
  • Open the can half way. No need to pull the lid back.
  • Place the can in a pot and pour in water just until 3/4 of the can is immersed and simmer over low heat, 3-4 hours (depends on how thick you want it to be)
  • Monitor the water level. Make sure you refill the water to maintain the level. Once it reached your favour, turn off the heat and let it cool.
  • You may want to transfer it to nicer bottles or container.

Cool place

1.1.11 we headed to Cameron Highlands at 5am. Yes, 5am so that we able to solat Subuh and breakfast at the Rawang R&R. Everyone looked sleepy..
We had home-cooked foods, fried mee, pulut kuning (yellow sticky rice), sambal tumis ikan bilis (anchovies in hot spicy gravy) and kuih.
Continue driving up to the highland and stop over at Hutan Lipur Kuala Woh. Very interesting place for camping. Here is the photo taken by my husband. Looked calm and relaxing. Nice shot!

We stayed on the highlands for one night. Even it's a short trip but our schedules were full! Visited the norm places to visit, strawberry farm, pasar malam & siang (night & day market), cactus farm and not to forget the most expensive durian stall by the road down to Brinchang.

Rest and Relax...

I am sitting at my brown sofa trying to figure out what to do in the next 14 days of my off-day..
So, here I am updating my blog ignoring the books I need to read and assignments to do.
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