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What to eat for gorgeous, glowing skin.


After you doll yourself up with your tinted SPF, have a cup of melon alongside your breakfast. Red and orange fruits or vegetables are rich in beta carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A, a nutrient necessary in the growth and repair of tissues and that may help block the effects of UV rays. Less sun damage = more youthful skin.
Other sources: sweet potato, pumpkin, carrots, mangoes, apricots.



Whole grain cereals are rich in selenium, a nutrient that helps protect the skin from sun damage and delays signs of aging by protecting skin quality and elasticity. Add cereal to your morning breakfast of cantaloupe and your skin will thank you.
Other sources: Brazil nuts, canned light tuna, wheat germ, turkey.



If your reaction is based on bad PR rather than personal experience, these little fishies might be worth another look. Foods rich in omega-3's help maintain healthy cell membranes that keep water and nutrients in and toxins out. Cells plump with nutrients and water mean vibrant-looking skin.
Other sources: walnuts, flaxseeds, wild salmon.



Okay, not a proper snack, but it bears repeating. Plenty of water aids in all sorts of bodily processes, including the ushering out of toxins and the production of sweat, which helps keep skin clean and clear. Keep a pretty glass carafe on your desk to make drinking water a habit.


In numerous studies, the lycopene in tomatoes have helped protect skin from damaging UV rays. Adding tomatoes to your diet is kind of like SPF from the inside, only a heck of a lot tastier than eating sunscreen (no, seriously – don't eat your sunscreen).
Other sources: pink grapefruit, watermelon, papaya and guava.



Eggs are a good source of biotin, a nutrient involved in the production of fat in the body, a process especially critical for skin cells. Eating foods rich in biotin can help prevent dryness and keep skin looking supple.
Other sources: chard, cauliflower, almonds, onions, and avocado.


Bell peppers

Half a red bell pepper contains a day's worth of vitamin C, a nutrient that helps build collagen and beats off skin damaging free radicals. Adding a few slices of bell pepper to your salad could lead to fewer premature wrinkles down the road (and a more delicious lunch in the meantime).
Other sources: oranges, strawberries, lemons, broccoli.


Here's the kind of advice we love: for beautiful skin, eat delicious food. Now that a prescription we can get behind. Whether you're dogged by dryness or a dull complexion, here are seven fresh foods to nosh to give you that gorgeous glow. Perhaps best of all, there's nothing weird and out of the ordinary here; these are likely foods you're already eating as part of a great-tasting, healthy diet.

Sources from Yahoo! Special Projects, Wed, May 18 7:02 AM MYT
By Sarah McColl, Shine Staff


Once I had a RED shoes, my father bought it for me when I was 8. It was my Hari Raya shoes. And that was my first RED shoes and never had one until I bought one last year at Zara. Love it...going to get another pair same one...crazy? yeah I am crazy over things I like...

Once I bought RED lipstick, not just red but really, really RED lipstick. And had a RED long dress to match with it. I was 25 years old at the time. Love it, feeling so know what I mean, right?

Recently, I fell in love with RED heart pounding hard!

I saw the RED VELVET cake in Rima post and my heart keep pushing me to bake it. Why not give a try, asked myself? Yes, here I am now in my kitchen, baking the RED VELVET cake, at last.

My heart didn't stop pounding and it keeps on pounding each time my eyes lay on the RED cake. Why? I think RED symbolize as passion, rage, strong, brave, courage, sacrifice, strong, silence, attention, purity and many more. But above of all it's a symbol of LOVE... so it means love is full of every and each of everything of one's feeling...

Nonetheless, I would love to name my red velvet cake as RED LOVE cake... :)

How to lift spirits when you're feeling down..

We've all got something to be gloomy about these days - the state of the economy, a failing relationship or working in a dead-end job.
Without our realising it, this bombardment of negativity wIll bring even the most optimistic person down.
The good news is that there are things you can do to raise your spirits.
Here are some simple tips to help us feel more positive. Try in one or two days for a forthnight and notice the difference.

  • Simple pleasures
Once something becomes familiar, we stop paying attention to it - even if it's pleasureable. Ever had a piece of chocolate that tasted gorgeous but then you didn't notice the rest of the bar dissapearing down your throat?
Start making a note of a simple things that bring you pleasure as you notice them. This way, you heighten the experience and focus on the positive feelings they inspire.
  • Random kindness
Psycologists have found that one of the most effective strategies to lift people from depression is fot them to help others.
If you set yourself the goal of performing an act of random kindness for the benefit of a stranger, it will leave you feeling better about yourself for hours.
  • Count chimneys
It sounds odd, but it's harder to feel unhappy while you're looking up.
There's a reason for the saying "you're looking down" when someone seems unhappy. Try it - and things will really look up.
  • Three gifts
This excercise can have a greater impact on depression than medication, according to research. At the end of each day, just before bed, look back and bring to mind three good things that happened.
They don't have to be big things - just hearing a bird song or a conversation with a friend will do. Then write them down.
  • Do it today
Procastination reduces our sense of well-being, while taking action increases our feelings of being in control. Don't say "That needs doing", say "I'm doing it"
  • Share a smile
Happiness reflects back to us. The smile might come from a moment of humour or it could just be from something shared.
Researchers have found that our expressions cause us to feel the way we look - so smiling increases our happiness and sharing our smile makes it even stronger.
  • Three thank-yous
Find three situations that you can say than you for. I don't mean just the everyday pleasantries of "please" and "thank you", but the opportunities to express genuine gratitude for things that people do for you.
  • Positive consumerism
Much is made of retail therapy, but it's often a short-lived fix. When you're next looking for a present for somebody, buy them something that would give them an experience, rather than just an object.
It's even better if it's a shared experience. Presents will wear out, but memory can last a lifetime.
  • Give yourself time
We're often too busy to look after ourselves properly, but most people feel a real boost by focusing on what pleases them.
Set aside 30 minutes, at least once a week, when everyone else comes second (pretend you're a teenager) and focus on something that brings you pleasure.
Too much pursuit of pleasure soon brings diminishing returns, but get the balance right and it will be a precious part of a happy life.

by Trevor Silvester. NST. May 12, 2009

Ubi kayu & sambal ikan bilis (Tapioca & hot anchovies gravy)

Ubi kayu rebus is all time favourite to most Malays (others? not sure..). It 's nice to have it during rainy days with a sip of hot "kampung" coffee...waaaaa the feeling so syiok!
but i must try other recipes using the ubi kayu instead the same one all the time (but can't help it..hahahaaa). ok, promise myself to try other recipes...

I bought 3 kilos of ubi kayu at Chow Kit market, enough for my hb, my mil and officemates...they enjoy it very much. Thanks all for finishing it.

To Cik Patin and Nora, here is my humble recipe.

Ubi rebus and sambal ikan bilis

Ubi kayu

Boil the ubi kayu with pinch of salt to taste until soft.

Sambal ikan bilis

Small red onion
Cili padi (bird eye chili)
Ikan bilis (anchovies)
Soya sauce
Asam keping (or tamarind juice)
Belacan (shrimp paste) - optional

Puree all above items except ikan bilis. Then, lastly blend the ikan bilis together with the pureed items but only for a while.
Fry until "garing" (brown) in hot oil, put in salt, sugar, soy sauce (1 tsp) and asam keping. If you like, can put a little bit of "belacan" (shrimp paste) to enhance the taste of ikan bilis.

Serve with hot coffee...hrrmmmm

~~rain, rain come again, go away another day. i am having my ubi rebus today... :) ~~


I am quite tight with my work schedule after a long holiday last month. However, thank you to Rima who made me keep on with my baking passion. During the 4 days CNY holiday last week, we planned to drive back to my hb hometown, Kuala Pilah and mine in Muar.

Thought of baking something nice that everybody would like. So, I tried the Donna Hays chocolate cheesecake brownie recipe taken from Rima's blog.  I baked 2 whole cakes (one for each family) but my brownie part was a bit dry. Maybe because I have over baked them 20 minutes more than as in the original recipe! I will try again since everyone said "sedap"

Anyway, this is the result.....

Donna Hays Chocolate Cheesecake Brownie

Bread pudding

I had stale breads and got the idea of making this bread pudding when I browse the internet and found this recipe at Hope she doesn't mind I share her mom's recipe here. By the way, thanks to J.

Waited until 3 o'clock to make this so it will be just nice for hb to come home from office to have it with tea. Hb said it tastes like "bingka roti" in petite version because I use the medium size muffin tray for moulding. I think it would be better if eaten with warm vanilla sauce but I am out of milk. So bad...

This bread butter pudding I baked last year but only now I remember to post it here. Actually, it is easy to bake and the ingredients can be substitute with raisins, banana, pineapple etc or any others to your likings. I will do this whenever I have extra or almost expired bread in my kitchen.

Bread butter raspberries pudding

White stale bread
Raspberries jam (or any type of jam available)
1 liter fresh milk (I used full cream milk)
3 tbsp condensed milk
Sugar (I used brown sugar. As sweet as you wish)
Pinch of salt
2 eggs 
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
Water (for double boil)

Spread butter on each side of the breads and raspberries jam only on one side. Cut them into triangles. Grease the the baking dish. Arrange the breads on the bottom and sprinkle little sugar then repeat the same on each layers until finish all the breads. 
In a pot, warm the mixture of fresh milk, condensed milk, vanilla essence and salt. Off the heat and let it aside while beating the eggs with fork. Stir well the beaten eggs with the warm milk. Pour in the mixtures over the bread layers slowly and let the bread soak for 1 hour.
Heat the oven to 180' C. Sprinkle little brown sugar on top layer before baking. Then place in the oven for about 30 minutes (or until it turned brown as shown in pic above). For this time, I steam baking the bread so it turned out moist inside.  See recipe tips here Stem Bake. Otherwise, just bake it like you do with cakes.

Serve warm with vanilla ice cream or vanilla sauce (recipe below). sooo yummy!

Vanilla sauce 

1 cup milk
3 egg yolks
1/2 tsp of vanilla essence
4 tbsp of sugar
1 tbsp cornflour

Combine milk and vanilla essence in saucepan. Warm gently but do not let the mixture boil. In a bowl, beat the egg yolks and sugar until creamy. Add the cornstarch. 
Stir in the warm milk. Strain the mixture and back to heat stirring constantly until it thickens and coats the back of the spoon.

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